Video index
1. Call to Order Chairman Craig Forrest
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Capital Project Sales Tax Commission minutes
A. May 12, 2014 meeting (backup)
4. Public Presentations
A. Each presentation not to exceed 10 minutes
1. University of South Carolina Beaufort
2. City of Beaufort
3. Bridges Preparatory School
4. Town of Hilton Head Island
5. Sheldon Township
5. Additional Public Comment
6. Adjourn
May 19, 2014 Capital Project Sales Tax Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order Chairman Craig Forrest
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Capital Project Sales Tax Commission minutes
A. May 12, 2014 meeting (backup)
4. Public Presentations
A. Each presentation not to exceed 10 minutes
1. University of South Carolina Beaufort
2. City of Beaufort
3. Bridges Preparatory School
4. Town of Hilton Head Island
5. Sheldon Township
5. Additional Public Comment
6. Adjourn
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