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4. Pledge to the Flag – 5:00 p.m.
5. Invocation
6. 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING – Town of Hilton Head Island Comprehensive Plan with all appendices, including the Beach Management Plan
7. Proclamations & Commendations
a. Gullah/Geechee Nation Appreciation Week
8. Approval of Minutes
a. Town Council Meeting, June 6, 2017
b. Town Council Public Hearing/Special Meeting, June 13, 2017
9. Report of Town Manager
a. Emergency Beach Renourishment Update
b. Items of Interest
i. Town News
ii. Noteworthy Events
10. Reports from Members of Council
a. General Reports from Council
b. Report of the Intergovernmental & Public Safety Committee – Bill Harkins, Chairman
c. Report of the Community Services Committee – Kim Likins, Chairman
d. Report of the Public Planning Committee – David Ames, Chairman
e. Report of the Public Facilities Committee – Marc Grant, Chairman
f. Report of the Finance & Administrative Committee – John McCann, Chairman
11. Appearance by Citizens
12. Unfinished Business
a. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-10 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-10 to raise revenue and adopt a budget for the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2018; to establish a property tax levy; to establish funds; to establish a policy for acquisition of rights of way and easements; and providing for severability and an effective date.
b. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-11 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-11 to Amend Title 10 Chapter 1 and Chapter 9, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, to increase Business License and EMS fees by fifteen percent (15%), as per the adopted Fiscal Year 2018 Budget, and to update and amend Sections of Title 10, Chapter 1 to conform with current practice, and providing for severability and effective date.
c. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-12 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-12 to amend Title 16, “The Land Management Ordinance,†of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, by amending Section 16-1-107, the Official Zoning Map, specifically to apply the Planned Development Overlay District (PD-2) to eight parcels. The PD-2 will incorporate three Waterfront Mixed Use (WMU) properties and five low to moderate density residential (RM-4) properties to allow for the permitted density and specific uses from the three WMU parcels to be transferred to the five RM-4 parcels. The WMU parcels will be rezoned Conservation District (CON) to be preserved as permanent open space. The proposed development will occur on the RM-4 parcels and consist of mixed-use residential and specific commercial uses. The subject parcels are located near the intersection of Squire Pope and Gumtree Roads and are further identified on Beaufort County Tax Map #3 as parcels 223, 49, 14D, 16, 14I, 14, 58 and 58A and providing for severability and an effective date.
d. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-13 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-13 authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $28,500,000 General Obligation Bonds, in one or more Series, in one or more years, with appropriate Series designations, of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, fixing the form and certain details of which the Bonds; authorizing the Town Manager or his lawfully authorized designee to determine certain matters relating to the Bonds providing for the payment of the Bonds and the disposition of the proceeds thereof, other matters relating thereto, and providing for severability and effective date.
e. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-14 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-14 authorizing the issuance and sale of not exceeding $32,000,000 Tax Increment Bonds, in one or more Series, with appropriate Series designations, of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, for the purpose of paying the cost of certain redevelopment projects; delegating the authority to the Town Manager to determine certain matters with respect to the Bonds; prescribing the form and details of the Bonds, limiting the payment of the Bonds from the sources provided herein; providing for the disposition of the proceeds thereof, amending and restating Ordinance No. 2004-29, as previously amended, and confirming amendments to Ordinance No. 09-20, and other matters relating thereto.
f. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-15 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-15 providing for the issuance and sale of Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Special Obligation Bonds (Beach Preservation Fee Pledge), in one or more series, in the principal amount of not exceeding $36,000,000; delegating the authority to the Town Manager to determine certain matters with respect to the Bonds, prescribing the form and details of such Bonds; other matters relating thereto; and providing for severability and an effective date.
g. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-16 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-16 authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $18,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Taxable Series 2017A, or such other appropriate series designation, of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, fixing the form and certain details of the Bonds; authorizing the Town manager or his lawfully authorized designee to determine certain matters relating to the Bonds; providing for the payment of the Bonds and the disposition of the proceeds thereof; and providing for severability and an effective date.
13. New Business
a. First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-02 First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-02 to provide for the adoption of updates to “The Town of Hilton Head Island Comprehensive Plan†and its appendices, including the Beach Management Plan; and to provide for severability and an effective date.
b. Consideration of a Resolution – Creating the Gullah-Geechee Land and Cultural Preservation Task Force Consideration of a Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, creating the Gullah-Geechee Land and Cultural Preservation Task Force as an Ad Hoc Committee of the Planning Commission and providing a goal for the Committee.
14. Possible actions by Town Council concerning matters discussed in Executive Session
15. Adjournment
Jun 20, 2017 Hilton Head Island Town Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
4. Pledge to the Flag – 5:00 p.m.
5. Invocation
6. 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING – Town of Hilton Head Island Comprehensive Plan with all appendices, including the Beach Management Plan
7. Proclamations & Commendations
a. Gullah/Geechee Nation Appreciation Week
8. Approval of Minutes
a. Town Council Meeting, June 6, 2017
b. Town Council Public Hearing/Special Meeting, June 13, 2017
9. Report of Town Manager
a. Emergency Beach Renourishment Update
b. Items of Interest
i. Town News
ii. Noteworthy Events
10. Reports from Members of Council
a. General Reports from Council
b. Report of the Intergovernmental & Public Safety Committee – Bill Harkins, Chairman
c. Report of the Community Services Committee – Kim Likins, Chairman
d. Report of the Public Planning Committee – David Ames, Chairman
e. Report of the Public Facilities Committee – Marc Grant, Chairman
f. Report of the Finance & Administrative Committee – John McCann, Chairman
11. Appearance by Citizens
12. Unfinished Business
a. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-10 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-10 to raise revenue and adopt a budget for the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2018; to establish a property tax levy; to establish funds; to establish a policy for acquisition of rights of way and easements; and providing for severability and an effective date.
b. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-11 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-11 to Amend Title 10 Chapter 1 and Chapter 9, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, to increase Business License and EMS fees by fifteen percent (15%), as per the adopted Fiscal Year 2018 Budget, and to update and amend Sections of Title 10, Chapter 1 to conform with current practice, and providing for severability and effective date.
c. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-12 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-12 to amend Title 16, “The Land Management Ordinance,†of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, by amending Section 16-1-107, the Official Zoning Map, specifically to apply the Planned Development Overlay District (PD-2) to eight parcels. The PD-2 will incorporate three Waterfront Mixed Use (WMU) properties and five low to moderate density residential (RM-4) properties to allow for the permitted density and specific uses from the three WMU parcels to be transferred to the five RM-4 parcels. The WMU parcels will be rezoned Conservation District (CON) to be preserved as permanent open space. The proposed development will occur on the RM-4 parcels and consist of mixed-use residential and specific commercial uses. The subject parcels are located near the intersection of Squire Pope and Gumtree Roads and are further identified on Beaufort County Tax Map #3 as parcels 223, 49, 14D, 16, 14I, 14, 58 and 58A and providing for severability and an effective date.
d. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-13 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-13 authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $28,500,000 General Obligation Bonds, in one or more Series, in one or more years, with appropriate Series designations, of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, fixing the form and certain details of which the Bonds; authorizing the Town Manager or his lawfully authorized designee to determine certain matters relating to the Bonds providing for the payment of the Bonds and the disposition of the proceeds thereof, other matters relating thereto, and providing for severability and effective date.
e. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-14 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-14 authorizing the issuance and sale of not exceeding $32,000,000 Tax Increment Bonds, in one or more Series, with appropriate Series designations, of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, for the purpose of paying the cost of certain redevelopment projects; delegating the authority to the Town Manager to determine certain matters with respect to the Bonds; prescribing the form and details of the Bonds, limiting the payment of the Bonds from the sources provided herein; providing for the disposition of the proceeds thereof, amending and restating Ordinance No. 2004-29, as previously amended, and confirming amendments to Ordinance No. 09-20, and other matters relating thereto.
f. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-15 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-15 providing for the issuance and sale of Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Special Obligation Bonds (Beach Preservation Fee Pledge), in one or more series, in the principal amount of not exceeding $36,000,000; delegating the authority to the Town Manager to determine certain matters with respect to the Bonds, prescribing the form and details of such Bonds; other matters relating thereto; and providing for severability and an effective date.
g. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-16 Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-16 authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $18,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Taxable Series 2017A, or such other appropriate series designation, of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, fixing the form and certain details of the Bonds; authorizing the Town manager or his lawfully authorized designee to determine certain matters relating to the Bonds; providing for the payment of the Bonds and the disposition of the proceeds thereof; and providing for severability and an effective date.
13. New Business
a. First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-02 First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2017-02 to provide for the adoption of updates to “The Town of Hilton Head Island Comprehensive Plan†and its appendices, including the Beach Management Plan; and to provide for severability and an effective date.
b. Consideration of a Resolution – Creating the Gullah-Geechee Land and Cultural Preservation Task Force Consideration of a Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, creating the Gullah-Geechee Land and Cultural Preservation Task Force as an Ad Hoc Committee of the Planning Commission and providing a goal for the Committee.
14. Possible actions by Town Council concerning matters discussed in Executive Session
15. Adjournment
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