Video index
1) Call to Order
2) Pledge to the Flag
3) Invocation
4) FOIA Compliance - Public notification of this meeting has been published, posted, and mailed in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and the Town of Hilton Head Island requirements.
5) Proclamations and Commendations
a. Hilton Head Island High School "Lady Seahawks" Swim Team
6) Approval of Minutes
a. Town Council Meeting- November 5, 2013
b. Town Council Workshop - November 7, 2013
c. Town Council Workshop - November 12, 2013
7) Report of the Town Manager
a. Town Manager's Items of Interest
8) Reports from Members of Council
a. General Reports from Council
b. Report of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee - George Williams, Chairman
c. Report of the Personnel Committee - Lee Edwards, Chairman
d. Report of the Planning & Development Standards Committee - John McCann, Chairman
e. Report of the Public Facilities Committee - Kim Likins, Chairman
f. Report of the Public Safety Committee - Marc Grant, Chairman
g. Report of the LMO Rewrite Committee - Kim Likins, Ex-Officio Member
9) Appearance by Citizens
10)Unfinished Business
a. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-21
Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-21 of the Town of Hilton Head, South Carolina, authorizing the execution of a contract for purchase and sale and the execution of a deed for the sale of 1.8 acres of real property located on William Hilton Parkway to William S. Toomer and Mary K. Toomer pursuant to the authority of S.C. Code Ann. § 5-7-40 (Supp. 2011), and § 2-7-20, Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, (1983); and providing for severability and an effective date.
11)New Business
a. Consideration of a Recommendation - Shelter Cove Community Park
Consideration of a Recommendation that Town Council approve the Conceptual Master Plan for the proposed Shelter Cove Community Park.
b. Consideration of a Resolution - SCDOT/Traffic Safety Improvements/US 278 on Jenkins Island
Consideration of a Resolution calling for the South Carolina Department of Transportation to construct traffic safety improvements via access modifications to US 278 on Jenkins Island.
c. First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-23
First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-23 of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, to amend Title 10 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina by amending Chapter 5 (Franchises), specifically Section 10-5-90; and providing for severability and an effective date.
d. First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-25
First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-25 of the Town of Hilton Head, South Carolina, to amend Title 9 (Health and Sanitation) of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina by amending Chapter 6 (Collection of Solid Waste and Recycling), specifically Section 9-6-10, Section 9-6-20, Section 9-6-40, and Section 9-6-60; and providing for severability and an effective date.
e. Town Manager Review/Compensation
12)Executive Session
a. Land Acquisition
b. Legal Matters
c. Contractual Matters
d. Annual Review of the Town Manager
Nov 19, 2013 Hilton Head Island Town Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1) Call to Order
2) Pledge to the Flag
3) Invocation
4) FOIA Compliance - Public notification of this meeting has been published, posted, and mailed in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and the Town of Hilton Head Island requirements.
5) Proclamations and Commendations
a. Hilton Head Island High School "Lady Seahawks" Swim Team
6) Approval of Minutes
a. Town Council Meeting- November 5, 2013
b. Town Council Workshop - November 7, 2013
c. Town Council Workshop - November 12, 2013
7) Report of the Town Manager
a. Town Manager's Items of Interest
8) Reports from Members of Council
a. General Reports from Council
b. Report of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee - George Williams, Chairman
c. Report of the Personnel Committee - Lee Edwards, Chairman
d. Report of the Planning & Development Standards Committee - John McCann, Chairman
e. Report of the Public Facilities Committee - Kim Likins, Chairman
f. Report of the Public Safety Committee - Marc Grant, Chairman
g. Report of the LMO Rewrite Committee - Kim Likins, Ex-Officio Member
9) Appearance by Citizens
10)Unfinished Business
a. Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-21
Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-21 of the Town of Hilton Head, South Carolina, authorizing the execution of a contract for purchase and sale and the execution of a deed for the sale of 1.8 acres of real property located on William Hilton Parkway to William S. Toomer and Mary K. Toomer pursuant to the authority of S.C. Code Ann. § 5-7-40 (Supp. 2011), and § 2-7-20, Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, (1983); and providing for severability and an effective date.
11)New Business
a. Consideration of a Recommendation - Shelter Cove Community Park
Consideration of a Recommendation that Town Council approve the Conceptual Master Plan for the proposed Shelter Cove Community Park.
b. Consideration of a Resolution - SCDOT/Traffic Safety Improvements/US 278 on Jenkins Island
Consideration of a Resolution calling for the South Carolina Department of Transportation to construct traffic safety improvements via access modifications to US 278 on Jenkins Island.
c. First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-23
First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-23 of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, to amend Title 10 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina by amending Chapter 5 (Franchises), specifically Section 10-5-90; and providing for severability and an effective date.
d. First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-25
First Reading of Proposed Ordinance 2013-25 of the Town of Hilton Head, South Carolina, to amend Title 9 (Health and Sanitation) of the Municipal Code of the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina by amending Chapter 6 (Collection of Solid Waste and Recycling), specifically Section 9-6-10, Section 9-6-20, Section 9-6-40, and Section 9-6-60; and providing for severability and an effective date.
e. Town Manager Review/Compensation
12)Executive Session
a. Land Acquisition
b. Legal Matters
c. Contractual Matters
d. Annual Review of the Town Manager
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