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Video index
1. Call to Order Regular Session – Chairman Stu Rodman 6:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Councilwoman Alice Howard
3. Moment of Silence in Remembrance of Laura Von Harten, Beaufort County Council 2007 - 2014
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Proclamation
A. Disabilities Awareness Month, March 2019
6. Presentations
A. Santa Elena History Center / Megan Meyer, Executive Director Santa Elena Foundation
B. Update: Status of Sea Trawler Restaurant Building, Buckingham Landing, Bluffton Tom Keaveny, County Attorney
C. Update: Hwy 278 Corridor / Windmill Harbour Construction Project / Rob McFee, Director of Construction, Engineering & Facilities
D. Whitehall Plantation Park / John Weaver, Interim County Administrator
7. Citizen Comments [See Clerk to Council for sign-in prior to meeting. Speakers shall limit comments to three minutes.]
8. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
1. February 6, 2019 Special Session
2. February 11, 2019 Caucus
3. February 11, 2019 Regular Session
9. Non-Consent Agenda
A. Public hearing: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) needs assessment to solicit public input on community needs and priorities for housing, public facilities, and economic development / Michelle Knight, Lowcountry Council of Government
1. Overview of the CDBG Program and public hearing to solicit input
B. Public hearing and 2nd reading of an ordinance regarding an amendment to the zoning map in Southern Beaufort County (Sawmill Forest) / Eric Greenway, Director Community Development Department
Ordinance Title: Southern Beaufort County Zoning Map Amendment for R600 032 000 0005 0000 (2.42 Acres on the West Side of Trimblestone Road Directly North of Sawmill Forest) from Sawmill Forest PUD (Planned Unit Development) to T2-Rural
1. Public hearing on February 25, 2019
2. Consideration of second reading on February 25, 2019
3. First reading approved on February 11, 2019 / Vote: 9:0
4. Natural Resources Committee recommended approval on January 22, 2019 / Vote 7:0
C. Public hearing and 2nd reading of an ordinance regarding an amendment to the zoning map in Southern Beaufort County (Stroup Lane) / Rob Merchant, Deputy Director, Community Development Department
Ordinance Title: Southern Beaufort County Zoning Map Amendment for R600 040 000 0448 0000 (5.09 Acres on the South Side of Stroup Lane Road Approximately 475 feet East of Burnt Church Road) from T3 Hamlet Neighborhood to T2 Rural Center
1. Public hearing on February 25, 2019
2. Consideration of second reading on February 25, 2019
3. First reading approved on February 11, 2019 / Vote: 9:0
4. Natural Resources Committee recommended approval on January 22, 2019 / Vote 7:0
D. 1st reading of an ordinance regarding text amendments to the Beaufort County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22, Article IV, Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction / Eric Larson, Director of Environmental Engineering and Land Management
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance of County of Beaufort, South Carolina Amending Certain Sections Under Beaufort County Code: Chapter 22, Civil Emergencies, Article IV, Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
1. Consideration of first reading on February 25, 2019
2. Public Hearing - Monday, March 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m., Hilton Head Branch Library, Main Conference Room, 11 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island
3. Public Facilities Committee recommended approval on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
E. 1st reading of an ordinance regarding the conveyance of multiple parcels of real property from Beaufort County to SC Department of Transportation for the highway widening of SC Highway 170 / Rob McFee, Director Facilities and Construction Engineering
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance Authorizing the Conveyance of Multiple Parcels of Real Property
from Beaufort County to South Carolina Department of Transportation for the Highway Widening of
SC Highway 170
1. Consideration of first reading on February 25, 2019
2. Public Hearing - Monday, March 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m., Hilton Head Branch Library, Main Conference Room, 11 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island
3. Public Facilities Committee recommended approval on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
F. 1st reading of an ordinance approving the issuance of a general obligation bond for Sheldon Fire District in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 / Alicia Holland, Assistant County Administrator Finance
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of a Not To Exceed $1,000,0000 Limited General Obligation Bond, Series 2019b, or Such Other Appropriate Series Designation (Sheldon Fire District), of Beaufort County, South Carolina; Fixing the Form and Details of the Bond; Authorizing the County Administrator or His Lawfully-Authorized Designee to Determine Certain Matters Relating to the Bond; Providing for the Payment of the Bond and the Disposition of the Proceeds Thereof; and Other Matters Relating Thereto.
1. Consideration of first reading on February 25, 2019
2. Public Hearing - Monday, March 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m., Hilton Head Branch Library, Main Conference Room, 11 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island
3. Finance Committee recommended approval on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
G. A resolution adopting the Passive Parks Facility Rental Policy / Stafanie Nagid, Passive Parks Manager
Resolution Title: A Resolution to Adopt the Passive Parks Facility Rental Policy
1. Consideration of adoption on February 25, 2019
2. Public Facilities Committee recommended adoption on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
H. A resolution amending Council’s Rules and Procedures regarding the meeting times of Community Services and Natural Resources Committees / John Weaver, Interim County Administrator
Resolution Title: A Resolution to the Beaufort County Council Rules and Procedures, Chapter 2A so as to Add Thereto a Schedule for Committee Meetings to be Held Monthly
1. Consideration of adoption on February 25, 2019
I. Contract award / Construction administration, full-time resident project representative and project arborist / Jon Rembold, Airports Director
1. Contract award: Talbert, Bright and Ellington, Work Authorization 18-08
2. Amount: $118,626
3. Funding: 90% via FAA AIP Grant 37, 5% SCAC grant 15-013, 5% Hilton Head Airport Capital Project Fund
4. Finance Committee recommended adoption on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
10. Discussion and Action Items
A. Discussion / Purchase of 1 Bostick Circle, Beaufort, for construction of a home to serve Disability and Special Needs citizens / Chris Inglese, Staff Attorney
B. Administrator’s Report / John Weaver, Interim County Administrator
C. Committee Reports (next meeting)
1. Governmental (February 25, 2019, 4:00 p.m.)
2. Finance (March 4, 2019, 2:00 p.m.)
3. Public Facilities (March 4, 2019, 4:00 p.m.)
4. Executive Committee (March 11, 2019, 4:00 p.m.)
5. Community Services (March 18, 2019, 2:00 p.m.)
6. Natural Resources (March 18, 2019, 4:00 p.m.)
D. Reappointments / Nominations / Appointments to Boards and Commissions [number of votes required of Council per Beaufort County Code of Ordinances, Article V – Boards and Commissions]
Recommendations Finance Committee, February 4, 2019
1. Accommodations Tax Board (2% State)
2. Board of Assessment Appeals
3. Rural and Critical Lands Preservation Board
11. Citizen Comments
12. Adjournment
Feb 25, 2019 County Council Regular Session
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order Regular Session – Chairman Stu Rodman 6:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Councilwoman Alice Howard
3. Moment of Silence in Remembrance of Laura Von Harten, Beaufort County Council 2007 - 2014
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Proclamation
A. Disabilities Awareness Month, March 2019
6. Presentations
A. Santa Elena History Center / Megan Meyer, Executive Director Santa Elena Foundation
B. Update: Status of Sea Trawler Restaurant Building, Buckingham Landing, Bluffton Tom Keaveny, County Attorney
C. Update: Hwy 278 Corridor / Windmill Harbour Construction Project / Rob McFee, Director of Construction, Engineering & Facilities
D. Whitehall Plantation Park / John Weaver, Interim County Administrator
7. Citizen Comments [See Clerk to Council for sign-in prior to meeting. Speakers shall limit comments to three minutes.]
8. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
1. February 6, 2019 Special Session
2. February 11, 2019 Caucus
3. February 11, 2019 Regular Session
9. Non-Consent Agenda
A. Public hearing: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) needs assessment to solicit public input on community needs and priorities for housing, public facilities, and economic development / Michelle Knight, Lowcountry Council of Government
1. Overview of the CDBG Program and public hearing to solicit input
B. Public hearing and 2nd reading of an ordinance regarding an amendment to the zoning map in Southern Beaufort County (Sawmill Forest) / Eric Greenway, Director Community Development Department
Ordinance Title: Southern Beaufort County Zoning Map Amendment for R600 032 000 0005 0000 (2.42 Acres on the West Side of Trimblestone Road Directly North of Sawmill Forest) from Sawmill Forest PUD (Planned Unit Development) to T2-Rural
1. Public hearing on February 25, 2019
2. Consideration of second reading on February 25, 2019
3. First reading approved on February 11, 2019 / Vote: 9:0
4. Natural Resources Committee recommended approval on January 22, 2019 / Vote 7:0
C. Public hearing and 2nd reading of an ordinance regarding an amendment to the zoning map in Southern Beaufort County (Stroup Lane) / Rob Merchant, Deputy Director, Community Development Department
Ordinance Title: Southern Beaufort County Zoning Map Amendment for R600 040 000 0448 0000 (5.09 Acres on the South Side of Stroup Lane Road Approximately 475 feet East of Burnt Church Road) from T3 Hamlet Neighborhood to T2 Rural Center
1. Public hearing on February 25, 2019
2. Consideration of second reading on February 25, 2019
3. First reading approved on February 11, 2019 / Vote: 9:0
4. Natural Resources Committee recommended approval on January 22, 2019 / Vote 7:0
D. 1st reading of an ordinance regarding text amendments to the Beaufort County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22, Article IV, Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction / Eric Larson, Director of Environmental Engineering and Land Management
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance of County of Beaufort, South Carolina Amending Certain Sections Under Beaufort County Code: Chapter 22, Civil Emergencies, Article IV, Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
1. Consideration of first reading on February 25, 2019
2. Public Hearing - Monday, March 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m., Hilton Head Branch Library, Main Conference Room, 11 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island
3. Public Facilities Committee recommended approval on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
E. 1st reading of an ordinance regarding the conveyance of multiple parcels of real property from Beaufort County to SC Department of Transportation for the highway widening of SC Highway 170 / Rob McFee, Director Facilities and Construction Engineering
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance Authorizing the Conveyance of Multiple Parcels of Real Property
from Beaufort County to South Carolina Department of Transportation for the Highway Widening of
SC Highway 170
1. Consideration of first reading on February 25, 2019
2. Public Hearing - Monday, March 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m., Hilton Head Branch Library, Main Conference Room, 11 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island
3. Public Facilities Committee recommended approval on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
F. 1st reading of an ordinance approving the issuance of a general obligation bond for Sheldon Fire District in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 / Alicia Holland, Assistant County Administrator Finance
Ordinance Title: An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of a Not To Exceed $1,000,0000 Limited General Obligation Bond, Series 2019b, or Such Other Appropriate Series Designation (Sheldon Fire District), of Beaufort County, South Carolina; Fixing the Form and Details of the Bond; Authorizing the County Administrator or His Lawfully-Authorized Designee to Determine Certain Matters Relating to the Bond; Providing for the Payment of the Bond and the Disposition of the Proceeds Thereof; and Other Matters Relating Thereto.
1. Consideration of first reading on February 25, 2019
2. Public Hearing - Monday, March 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m., Hilton Head Branch Library, Main Conference Room, 11 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island
3. Finance Committee recommended approval on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
G. A resolution adopting the Passive Parks Facility Rental Policy / Stafanie Nagid, Passive Parks Manager
Resolution Title: A Resolution to Adopt the Passive Parks Facility Rental Policy
1. Consideration of adoption on February 25, 2019
2. Public Facilities Committee recommended adoption on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
H. A resolution amending Council’s Rules and Procedures regarding the meeting times of Community Services and Natural Resources Committees / John Weaver, Interim County Administrator
Resolution Title: A Resolution to the Beaufort County Council Rules and Procedures, Chapter 2A so as to Add Thereto a Schedule for Committee Meetings to be Held Monthly
1. Consideration of adoption on February 25, 2019
I. Contract award / Construction administration, full-time resident project representative and project arborist / Jon Rembold, Airports Director
1. Contract award: Talbert, Bright and Ellington, Work Authorization 18-08
2. Amount: $118,626
3. Funding: 90% via FAA AIP Grant 37, 5% SCAC grant 15-013, 5% Hilton Head Airport Capital Project Fund
4. Finance Committee recommended adoption on February 4, 2019 / Vote 10:0
10. Discussion and Action Items
A. Discussion / Purchase of 1 Bostick Circle, Beaufort, for construction of a home to serve Disability and Special Needs citizens / Chris Inglese, Staff Attorney
B. Administrator’s Report / John Weaver, Interim County Administrator
C. Committee Reports (next meeting)
1. Governmental (February 25, 2019, 4:00 p.m.)
2. Finance (March 4, 2019, 2:00 p.m.)
3. Public Facilities (March 4, 2019, 4:00 p.m.)
4. Executive Committee (March 11, 2019, 4:00 p.m.)
5. Community Services (March 18, 2019, 2:00 p.m.)
6. Natural Resources (March 18, 2019, 4:00 p.m.)
D. Reappointments / Nominations / Appointments to Boards and Commissions [number of votes required of Council per Beaufort County Code of Ordinances, Article V – Boards and Commissions]
Recommendations Finance Committee, February 4, 2019
1. Accommodations Tax Board (2% State)
2. Board of Assessment Appeals
3. Rural and Critical Lands Preservation Board
11. Citizen Comments
12. Adjournment
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