Video index
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Statement of Media Notification
3. Anti–Bullying Program Update- Dr. Gregory McCord
4. FY 2020 8% Capital Budget – Mr. Robert Oetting & Mrs. Tonya Crosby
5. PE2.D- Debt Management – Mr. Brian Nurick & Ms. Frannie Heizer
7. Update on Special Needs Program- Mrs. Brenda Hunt
8. FY 2019 Operating Budget – Mrs. Tonya Crosby
9. 1-6/1-8 Plan for Hilton Head Island – Dr. Dereck Rhoads
10. Review and Wrap-Up
11. Public Comments (will follow Board’s final business Item) Any person may address the Board for a maximum of three minutes on issues within the domain of the Board. Each speaker must fill out a public Comment Card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes.
Apr 27, 2018 Board of Education
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Statement of Media Notification
3. Anti–Bullying Program Update- Dr. Gregory McCord
4. FY 2020 8% Capital Budget – Mr. Robert Oetting & Mrs. Tonya Crosby
5. PE2.D- Debt Management – Mr. Brian Nurick & Ms. Frannie Heizer
7. Update on Special Needs Program- Mrs. Brenda Hunt
8. FY 2019 Operating Budget – Mrs. Tonya Crosby
9. 1-6/1-8 Plan for Hilton Head Island – Dr. Dereck Rhoads
10. Review and Wrap-Up
11. Public Comments (will follow Board’s final business Item) Any person may address the Board for a maximum of three minutes on issues within the domain of the Board. Each speaker must fill out a public Comment Card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes.
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