Video index
1. 5:30 Public Session
2. Action as Necessary or Appropriate Regarding Matters Discussed in Executive Session
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Statement of Media Notification
5. Public Comments Any person may address the Board for a maximum of three minutes on issues within the domain of the Board. Each speaker must fill out a public Comment Card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes. Those persons who were unable to address the Board during the first Public Comment period will be heard first during this period.
6. Information Item:
A. Review of the 2016 Legislative Session
7. Board Business Action:
A. Donation from the American Legion Beaufort Post 9 in the amount of $12,050 to Beaufort High School for a Baseball Scoreboard
B. Donation from Covert Aire in the amount of $22,200 to Bluffton High for Pressbox and Concession HVAC
C. RFP 16-002 Contract Approval for Solar Energy
D. Proposed Lease and Facility Use Agreement between BCSD and the Town of Hilton Head Island and the Hilton Head Island Recreation Association
E. Approval of Sales Tax Referendum Ballot Language
F. Approval of Memorandum of Agreement among BCSD, USC-Beaufort and TCL for the Sales Tax Referendum
8. Public Comments Any person may address the Board for a maximum of three minutes on issues within the domain of the Board. Each speaker must fill out a public Comment Card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes. Those persons who were unable to address the Board during the first Public Comment period will be heard first during this period.
9. Adjournment
Jul 19, 2016 Board of Education
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. 5:30 Public Session
2. Action as Necessary or Appropriate Regarding Matters Discussed in Executive Session
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Statement of Media Notification
5. Public Comments Any person may address the Board for a maximum of three minutes on issues within the domain of the Board. Each speaker must fill out a public Comment Card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes. Those persons who were unable to address the Board during the first Public Comment period will be heard first during this period.
6. Information Item:
A. Review of the 2016 Legislative Session
7. Board Business Action:
A. Donation from the American Legion Beaufort Post 9 in the amount of $12,050 to Beaufort High School for a Baseball Scoreboard
B. Donation from Covert Aire in the amount of $22,200 to Bluffton High for Pressbox and Concession HVAC
C. RFP 16-002 Contract Approval for Solar Energy
D. Proposed Lease and Facility Use Agreement between BCSD and the Town of Hilton Head Island and the Hilton Head Island Recreation Association
E. Approval of Sales Tax Referendum Ballot Language
F. Approval of Memorandum of Agreement among BCSD, USC-Beaufort and TCL for the Sales Tax Referendum
8. Public Comments Any person may address the Board for a maximum of three minutes on issues within the domain of the Board. Each speaker must fill out a public Comment Card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes. Those persons who were unable to address the Board during the first Public Comment period will be heard first during this period.
9. Adjournment
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