Video index
1. 5:00 Public Session
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Statement of Media Notification
4. Points of Celebration:
A. August Rios, Bluffton Middle School Character Education Student of the Month of October
B. Byron Crosby, Beaufort Elementary School, & Curtis Johnson, Hilton Head High School Character Education Students of the Month of November
C. Ameri Mitchell, Bluffton Elementary School Student, Published in TIME for Kids Magazine
D. Donation by Bluffton Middle School PTO in the amount of $1,250 for the VEX Robotics Team
E. Bluffton High School Personal Finance State Champions
F. Bluffton High School Youth in Government
G. Hilton Head High School Athletics - Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country and Volleyball.
5. Public Conversation Any person may address the Board for a maximum of three minutes on any school-related topic. Each speaker must fill out a public forum card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes. If not all speakers are able to address the Board in that period, additional time may be allotted at the end of the meeting.
6. Comment Corrections:
7. Chairman’s Report :
8. Committee Reports:
B. Community Outreach and Legislative Advocacy
C. Curriculum and Instruction
D. Finance and Operations
E. Human Resources
F. Student Services
9. Superintendent’s Report
A. Affordable Housing Presentation by Bluffton High Students
B. Student Achievement
a. Achievement Gap
10. Board Business Action
A. Presentation of the FY 2015 Audited Financial Statements by Elliott Davis Decosimo
B. A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $35,000,000 General Obligation Advanced Refunding Bond
C. Authorization of the Submission of Applications for E-Rate Category 1 Services for E-Rate Funding Year 2016 (07/01/2016 thru 06/30/2017)
D. Approval of P.E.1.1 Annual Student Achievement
E. Approval of P.E.1.10 Instructional Time
F. Second Reading BCR7, Public Comment at Board Meetings
G. Second Reading BCR15, Diversity Statement and Goals
H. First Reading BCR16, Conflicts of Interest
11. New Business
12. Consent Agenda
A. C&I Committee’s Recommendation to Approve Bluffton High School as a Choice School for JROTC
B. C&I Committee’s Recommendation to Approve May River High School as a Choice School for Acceleration Academy and Project Lead the Way
C. Finance Committee’s Approval of the First Quarter FY 2016 Financial Statement
D. HR Committee Meeting Minutes 11/17/2015
E. Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 10/08/2015
13. 7:00 Beaufort County & School Improvement Council
A. Purpose & Topics – Chair Mary Cordray
14. Adjournment
Dec 08, 2015 Board of Education
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. 5:00 Public Session
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Statement of Media Notification
4. Points of Celebration:
A. August Rios, Bluffton Middle School Character Education Student of the Month of October
B. Byron Crosby, Beaufort Elementary School, & Curtis Johnson, Hilton Head High School Character Education Students of the Month of November
C. Ameri Mitchell, Bluffton Elementary School Student, Published in TIME for Kids Magazine
D. Donation by Bluffton Middle School PTO in the amount of $1,250 for the VEX Robotics Team
E. Bluffton High School Personal Finance State Champions
F. Bluffton High School Youth in Government
G. Hilton Head High School Athletics - Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country and Volleyball.
5. Public Conversation Any person may address the Board for a maximum of three minutes on any school-related topic. Each speaker must fill out a public forum card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes. If not all speakers are able to address the Board in that period, additional time may be allotted at the end of the meeting.
6. Comment Corrections:
7. Chairman’s Report :
8. Committee Reports:
B. Community Outreach and Legislative Advocacy
C. Curriculum and Instruction
D. Finance and Operations
E. Human Resources
F. Student Services
9. Superintendent’s Report
A. Affordable Housing Presentation by Bluffton High Students
B. Student Achievement
a. Achievement Gap
10. Board Business Action
A. Presentation of the FY 2015 Audited Financial Statements by Elliott Davis Decosimo
B. A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $35,000,000 General Obligation Advanced Refunding Bond
C. Authorization of the Submission of Applications for E-Rate Category 1 Services for E-Rate Funding Year 2016 (07/01/2016 thru 06/30/2017)
D. Approval of P.E.1.1 Annual Student Achievement
E. Approval of P.E.1.10 Instructional Time
F. Second Reading BCR7, Public Comment at Board Meetings
G. Second Reading BCR15, Diversity Statement and Goals
H. First Reading BCR16, Conflicts of Interest
11. New Business
12. Consent Agenda
A. C&I Committee’s Recommendation to Approve Bluffton High School as a Choice School for JROTC
B. C&I Committee’s Recommendation to Approve May River High School as a Choice School for Acceleration Academy and Project Lead the Way
C. Finance Committee’s Approval of the First Quarter FY 2016 Financial Statement
D. HR Committee Meeting Minutes 11/17/2015
E. Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 10/08/2015
13. 7:00 Beaufort County & School Improvement Council
A. Purpose & Topics – Chair Mary Cordray
14. Adjournment
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