* This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting. [00:01:45] GIMME JUST A SECOND. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO TIE INTO THE SESSION. ALRIGHT, SO, UM, MR. ORLANDO, DO WE HAVE, UH, REASON TO GO TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION? YES, MAYOR. UM, AS IT STATES ON THE AGENDA. ITEM FIVE, A DISCUSSION, NEGOTIATIONS REGARDING PROPOSED CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE SALE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY. DO I HAVE A MOTION TO GO TO THE EXECUTIVE SESSION? YES, SIR. I MOVE THAT WE GO INTO THE EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE REASONS STATED IN THE, UH, UH, BY THE TOWN MANAGER AND IN THE AGENDA. SECOND, WE HAVE FIRST AND SECOND. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR? PLEASE STATE FILE BY RAISING YOUR RIGHT HAND. SO MOVED. WE ARE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. WE ARE OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION. MR. ES, DO WE HAVE ANY ACTION COMING OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION? MAYOR, NO. ACTION WAS TAKEN AT EXECUTIVE SESSION AND NOTHING TO UH, DISCUSS AT THIS TIME. OKAY. MOTION TO ADJOURN. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR, SIGNIFY RAISED RIGHT HAND. WE ARE ADJOURNED. * This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting.