Video index
1. 6:00 Public Session
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Statement of Media Notification
4. Points of Celebration:
A. Donation from Hilton Head Island All Sports Booster Club
B. Donation from Children's Relief Fund
C. Donation from MC Riley Elementary PTO
D. BCSD 2014 Retirees
E. Elizabeth O'Neil Verner Governor's Award for the Arts
5. Public Conversation: Any person may address the board for a maximum of three minutes on any school-related topic. Each speaker must fill out a public forum card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes. If not all speakers are able to address the board in that period, additional time may be allotted at the end of the meeting.
6. Comment Corrections:
7. Chairman's Report :
8. Committee Reports:
B. Ad Hoc School Naming Committee
C. Ad Hoc Supt. Evaluation Committee Meeting
D. Community Outreach and Legislative Advocacy
E. Curriculum and Instruction
F. Finance and Operations
G. Human Resources
H. Student Services
I. Website & Communications
9. Superintendent's Report
A. Student Achievement
B. Safety Report
D. Information Item
10. Board Business Action
A. Certification of FY 2014-15 General Fund Budget Approval
B. Approval of School Name Change - Robert Smalls
13. Adjournment
May 20, 2014 Board of Education
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. 6:00 Public Session
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Statement of Media Notification
4. Points of Celebration:
A. Donation from Hilton Head Island All Sports Booster Club
B. Donation from Children's Relief Fund
C. Donation from MC Riley Elementary PTO
D. BCSD 2014 Retirees
E. Elizabeth O'Neil Verner Governor's Award for the Arts
5. Public Conversation: Any person may address the board for a maximum of three minutes on any school-related topic. Each speaker must fill out a public forum card. The forum will be limited to 30 minutes. If not all speakers are able to address the board in that period, additional time may be allotted at the end of the meeting.
6. Comment Corrections:
7. Chairman's Report :
8. Committee Reports:
B. Ad Hoc School Naming Committee
C. Ad Hoc Supt. Evaluation Committee Meeting
D. Community Outreach and Legislative Advocacy
E. Curriculum and Instruction
F. Finance and Operations
G. Human Resources
H. Student Services
I. Website & Communications
9. Superintendent's Report
A. Student Achievement
B. Safety Report
D. Information Item
10. Board Business Action
A. Certification of FY 2014-15 General Fund Budget Approval
B. Approval of School Name Change - Robert Smalls
13. Adjournment
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